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Asset TV has exclusive access to many of the world’s leading investors and enjoys VIP privileges to film on the bustling floor of the New York Stock Exchange, providing an unparalleled opportunity to gauge the pulse of world markets.

Asset TV has exclusive access to many of the world’s leading investors and enjoys VIP privileges to film on the bustling floor of the New York Stock Exchange, providing an unparalleled opportunity to gauge the pulse of world markets.

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Private Markets Offer More Stability

Blue Owl’s co-founder and co-president Marc Lipschultz says he’s seen private equity evolve in the 30 years he’s been in the business, and along with that, so have the dynamics of fundraising through public and private markets. Where once private equity was a cottage industry and public markets used to be the stalwart source of capital for businesses, public markets have become more fickle and reactionary to economic cycles in recent times and private markets have taken a larger share of capital markets, and are now the stabilizing source of capital through market cycles.